The Floriana Local Council has approved a comprehensive document outlining the locality’s Regeneration Plan, addressing existing challenges and proposing concrete solutions for sustainable development. 

In a statement sent on Saturday, the document focuses on several aspects, including what incentives can be introduced to tackle the persistent challenge of depopulation.

The document was presented by the PN Deputy mayor James Aaron Ellul back in February, with the purpose to serve as a set of policy guidelines to address the locality's challenges.

"Today, Floriana has a population with an average age of over 60, while property that families seek in Floriana remains unaffordable," the statement read.

"In light of this, the document also includes an analysis of the property market in Floriana, the type of development that can currently take place, and what kind of development could be possible should conditions change."

Other key measures addressed in this document include transport, sustainable mobility, infrastructure, the environment, and open spaces, along with a commitment to improving residents’ quality of life.

Among the main proposals are measures to enhance accessibility, including within residences, as well as initiatives to boost the local economy and improve community services. 

The document received the unanimous support of the Local Council. The initiative confirms the Council’s commitment to promoting a better future for Floriana while strengthening the locality’s historical and cultural identity. 

"Above all, the primary aim of this document is to spark discussion with Floriana residents and stakeholders, ensuring that the regeneration policy for the locality is continuously improved and updated," the statement read.

"The Council will continue to work closely with the relevant authorities and the community to ensure that the policies outlined in this plan are implemented effectively and concretely."

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