On the occasion of Fontana Day, the Fontana local council is organi­sing a Thanksgiving Mass for residents. The Mass will be celebrated by parish priest Simon Cachia at the Sacred Heart of Jesus parish sanctuary tomorrow at 6pm.

After Mass, wreaths will be laid at the fishermen’s and fireworks monuments. Flowers will also be placed near the niche of Jesus Christ Our Saviour by the mayor, Saviour Borg.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic the socio-cultural evening at the council hall and other activities that are usually held annually on Fontana Day will not be held this year.

The fishermen’s monument, inaugurated on December 1, 1998, features a list of fishermen, who, under the leadership of Fr Ġużepp Grima and Grezzja Grima, helped in the building of the parish church. The fishermen are Franġisk Galea, son Wenzu (t’Anni), Ġużepp Debrincat, son of Nikola (ta’ Barnuża), and Karmnu Schembri, son of Ġorġ (tax-Xantiljuni), Marju Cardona, son of Wiġi (ta’ Majru), Anton Attard, son of Ġanmarija (ta’ Ħaxwex), Karmnu Borg, son of Ġorġ (ta’ Milħa), Fonzu Cutajar, son of Wenzu (tal-Faragus), Ġużepp Abdilla, son of Nikol (ta’ Abdilla), Ġużepp Cardona, son of Wiġi (ta’ Majru), and Anton Borg, son of Ġorġ (ta’ Milħa).

The fireworks monument, inaugurated on December 1, 2018, is dedicated to all those who practised and developed the art of pyrotechnics for the feasts of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and of St Andrew along the years.

The niche of Jesus Christ Our Saviour was recently restored. It had been inaugurated during the festival of street shrines on November 8, 2007.

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