NGO Repubblika has launched a campaign to promote active and responsible citizenship and a culture of democracy, respect for human rights and the rule of law. It includes a national competition for secondary and post-secondary students on the theme: ‘What does democracy mean to me?’ Its president Robert Aquilina explains more.

A truly democratic society is one that understands the principles of democracy that provide the means to engage consciously and actively in democratic life. How can citizens be provided with the knowledge and skills necessary to develop the kind of political awareness required to sustain true democracy?

Democratic awareness does not only depend on the quantity, but on the quality of education that is imparted to us in our school years and beyond.  A good educational system is not simply one that teaches us subjects such as sciences, languages, mathematics or the arts. It also imparts education that promotes the values at the root of liberty and equality.

Political rights can only thrive when good governance and the rule of law create the right environment to suppress corruption. The endless list of abuses, misconducts, malpractices, serious incidents and crimes – in particular the assassination of Daphne Caruana Galizia – that have characterised the political scene of our country in the past years, has revealed very serious deficiencies in the way our national institutions operate.

It has also revealed deficiencies in our educational system. It has shown clearly that networks of dishonesty, bribery and crime  can only collapse if Malta’s institutions are able to guarantee the supremacy of the law, in every instance and under any political leadership. It is for this reason that Malta needs active citizens who possess the right critical knowledge and understanding of the way democratic institutions should function, and who can monitor their performance. Is our current educational system providing the political awareness that calls for democratic governance that ensures the accountability of all people to the laws of the land, irrespective of who they are? Is it forming citizens who can ensure that laws, “are publicly promulgated, equally enforced and independently adjudicated,” according to the definition provided by the United Nations?

Malta needs citizens who can keep politicians on their toes, because they are able to distinguish between empty promises, meaningless speeches, deceitful actions on the one hand, and honest discourse and initiatives that are of benefit to one and all on the other.

The endless list of abuses, misconducts, malpractices, serious incidents and crimes… has revealed very serious deficiencies in the way our national institutions operate. It has also revealed deficiencies in our educational system

Repubblika has embarked on a permanent campaign to promote an active and responsible citizenship and a culture of democracy, respect for human rights and the rule of law. The campaign is based on Repubblika’s declaration of values and principles, which affirms political freedoms and beliefs, as well as rights and duties of citizens and institutions. This declaration may be viewed on the association’s website.

Repubblika firmly believes that the principles of democracy, respect for human rights, accountability and the concept of the common good should be a central part of our children’s formation as from an early stage. Consequently, our first initiative towards responsible citizenship is addressed to our younger citizens, by promoting awareness of the ways citizens can contribute to the well-being of society. To this end, we are organising a national competition for secondary and post-secondary level students attending state, Church, and independent schools on the theme: ‘What does democracy mean to me?’

Taking as a starting point the Universal Declaration of Human Rights that was drawn up in 1948 by the General Assembly of the United Nations, a choice of 10 topics has been listed on Repubblika’s website. Students are requested to submit an essay or a poster on one of the listed topics. The essay can be written in Maltese or in English; the poster has to be A3 in size. Essays and posters must be submitted by not later than Monday, April 5, 2021, either by e-mail to or by post to 29, Repubblika, Church Square, Mqabba MQB1011.

In order to encourage a wide participation of students across different age groups, the competition is divided into three different groupings: Category 1 for Years 7-9 (Forms 1-3), Category 2 for Years 10-11 (Forms 4-5) and Category 3 for post-secondary students.

A adjudication panel will select the best two essays and two posters from each age category, and the winners will participate in a ‘Democracy evening’ that will be held on an annual basis.

Each student who takes part in the competition will receive a certificate of participation. The first 30 participants to submit their work will receive a book prize of a value of not less than €20 (excluding the finalists). Each of the six students who place first in their category will receive a book prize worth €150, and the six runners-up will receive a book prize worth €60.

Repubblika’s Active and Responsible Citizenship campaign is also planning other educational initiatives. It intends to target primary school students by publishing books that convey the values and principles that form the basis of a consolidated democracy.

It also aims to produce radio promos and social media videos to promote specific values and principles, such as the importance of journalism, the concept of separation of powers, human rights and the common good – but also to denounce malpractices in our society, such as political patronage.

Repubblika intends to involve a wide spectrum of society in this project. To this end, it aims to collaborate with other NGOs that share Repubblika’s values. It also intends to work with local councils.

More detailed information regarding the Active and Responsible Citizenship campaign is available at the website below.

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