A former Enemalta technician was this afternoon jailed for two-and-a-half years and fined €10,000 for his involvement in the smart meter scan that took Malta by storm last year.

Richard Gauci, 48, from Rabat, appeared in court today for the continuation of the compilation of evidence against him but insisted on pleading guilty to the charges brought against him.

Before Magistrate Carol Peralta, Mr Gauci pleaded guilty to accepting bribes to install the rigged meters, making an average €1,200 for each installation.

Magistrate Peralta warned him about the consequences of his decision to plead guilty but he insisted on the plea. The court therefore jailed him for two-and-a-half years and fined him €10,000.

He also had a freezing order issued until the fine is paid. Moreover, Mr Gauci was placed under a general and perpetual interdiction.

The case continues against other former Enemalta employees who are charged with the same crime.

Police Inspectors Daniel and Roderick Zammit prosecuted while lawyer Joe Sammut appeared for the man.


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