Updated 7:54pm

Former PN MP and doctor John Vella has died aged 86.

Opposition leader Bernard Grech broke the news of Facebook, saying Vella had served the people in parliament and, separately, as a dedicated doctor. 

"As an MP he always stood firmly by his principles and represented the PN values with honour, respect and determination.

"His commitment - in the political and medical sectors - is a reflection of how much he cared for the wellbeing of the Maltese. John will be remembered not just as a politician but also as a man who made a difference in people's lives," Grech said, offering his condolences to friends and family. 

Vella, who was first elected to parliament in 1981, was a candidate on the ninth and tenth districts. 

In a statement on Monday evening, Parliament Speaker Anġlu Farrugia extended the house's condolences to Vella's family while paying tribute to the former MP's memory and his work in Parliament.

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