Four men allegedly involved in a violent fight inside an Għaxaq garage two years ago,  landing their victim with a fractured nose, were acquitted on the grounds of insufficient evidence. 

Enzo Seychell, 38, Sean Seychell, 33, John Seychell, 59 and Clayton Muscat, 34 were accused of grievously injuring Mark Anthony Zahra, 29, in the brawl back in June 2018, apparently sparked by money-related matters. 

The injured man was separately charged over the incident and was likewise acquitted. 

Delivering judgment, the court, presided over by magistrate Simone Grech, observed that both the accused and their alleged victim had chosen not to testify to avoid possible self-incrimination. 

CCTV footage handed over to the police had not been confirmed, since the owner of the camera had opted not to testify. 

After analysing all the evidence put forward, the court declared that it was not convinced that the case had been proved beyond reasonable doubt. 

The best evidence that could shed light upon the dynamics of the argument leading up to the injuries suffered by the victim had not been put forward, said the court, acquitting all four men of all criminal liability.

Lawyer Ishmael Psaila assisted the accused. Lawyer Martha Mifsud appeared parte civile. Inspector Roderick Attard prosecuted.

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