A Planning Authority clampdown on a Qormi farm which housed migrants in inhumane conditions has left several migrants without a roof over their head

Photo: Marc AaronPhoto: Marc Aaron

Some 120 African migrants were found living in squalor and evicted. A few of them managed to find friends with whom to stay but about 80 have nowhere to go, one of the migrants said.  

They are appealing for help from anyone who can provide them with a stay for the night. They agreed that the place they were living in was less than ideal, but many were simply grateful for having had a place to stay.

"I was homeless the first week I stayed here," a 28-year-old migrant said.

"After my friend told me about the place in Qormi, I moved there and I have been living here for around two months," he added.

"I would not have been here had I had anywhere else to stay," another said. "I was working this morning and had to walk from St Paul’s Bay to [Qormi] just to get my things."

Following the raid, some of the migrants could be seen standing outside the farm lugging around suitcases in hopes of finding a place to stay. Others walked up the Mrieħel Bypass carrying their personal belongings with nowhere to go.

The migrants making their way onto the Mrieħel bypass. Photo: Marc AaronThe migrants making their way onto the Mrieħel bypass. Photo: Marc Aaron



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