Updated 5.45pm

Hundreds of passengers faced long delays for the Gozo ferries on Thursday afternoon following a flash strike by mooring men.

Some drivers and passengers reported waiting at the quay for as long as two hours in their cars under a blistering sun, with ferries at one point arriving at the harbour and turning back. 

The frustration was compounded as Gozo Channel failed to explain the delays.

Around 2.30pm one of the ferries left Ċirkewwa while another two remained docked in port.

Readers in Gozo said they even saw passengers fainting as they waited in the heat for the ferry at Mġarr harbour. 

The situation, however, appeared to ease by late afternoon.

Attempts to contact the company were unsuccessful. But Gozo Minister Clint Camilleri said he had been informed that a number of mooring men, on their own initiative and without any industrial relations backing, failed to report to work on Thursday. Others showed up but refused to do their job.

He said Gozo Channel intends to take disciplinary action against the workers involved in the flash strike. 

The minister thanked other workers who carried out other duties to moor the ships and to ensure the service returned to normal as soon as possible.  


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