Updated 10.05pm -

Qala mayor Paul Buttiġieġ has angrily complained to the authorities and fish farm operators after slime washed up at popular Ħondoq Bay over the past few days.

He said he suspected that the slime had drifted from a fish farm off St Paul's Bay. 

"I am extremely angry. People have been going down to Ħondoq and immediately coming back because they cannot swim there. The situation is completely unacceptable, especially in the height of summer," Buttiġieġ said.

He said he had been assured by fish farm operators that they would send people to check the situation.  

Buttiġieġ later reported that workers had turned up to clean the bay of the slime, although he complained that their efforts were not enough. 

Buttiġieġ said the current state of affairs confirmed how right his council had been to object to a planned relocation of a fish farm closer to Qala from St Paul's Bay some three years ago.  

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