Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi is to visit Malta in March, Libyan Foreign Minister Mousa Kousa said today.

He was speaking at a press conference at the Vivaldi Hotel with Foreign Minister Tonio Borg following the 26th meeting of the Malta-Libya joint commission.

A spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said several agreements were reached during the commission meetings, involving investment, education, illegal migration and health.

Both ministers expressed satisfaction at the progress made through the nomination of Libyan and Maltese liaison officers in relation to drug trafficking and organised crime. Malta and Libya agreed to set up a mechanism for the exchange of information and enhancement of co-operation in relation to economic crime and illegal immigration.

When questioned on illegal immigration, the Libyan minister pointed out that Libya was burdened by two million migrants and it was effectively the guardian of the EU from an influx of migration.

Foreign Minister Tonio Borg thanked Mr Kousa and emphasised that all forces should now pick up this momentum.

Earlier today, Dr Borg proposed to the Speaker of the Italian Chamber of Deputies, Gianfranco Fini, the holding of regular meetings on the defence issues related to illegal migration.

Col Gaddafi has not visited Malta since the mid-1980s. President George Abela made an official visit to Libya last September.

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