Relationships are built on the foundations of likes and dislikes. The more the likes box is ticked, the stronger the relationship. Or the other way round – because as the proverb goes, opposites attract. 

So what happens if one party likes to entertain themselves with a spot of gambling – and the other party doesn’t?

That’s a difficult question to answer. However, Casino Online has recently conducted a survey which throws light on how gambling affects relationships. 

Casino Online regularly asks its readers about what they think about the newest slot games and casinos, for their take on legislation updates, and about their experience playing casino games with crypto. This time around, the online guide asked its readers for their opinion about how gambling affects love and relationships. 

The response from Casino Online readers was interesting. The first survey question asked readers how their partners feel about their gambling pastime. Over half said they were not currently involved in a relationship – while just over 27% said partners were not opposed to their gambling habit. However, close to 12% of those who took the survey said they were too afraid to tell their significant other about their habits. There could be various factors behind this response – including the potential shame due to online gambling not having the best reputation. The same question generated a number of negative replies – with 7.8% saying their partner was upset at their gambling, while 1.7% confessing their partner had left them because of it. 

The survey also asked about the gender of the respondents. The industry regularly reports that online casino games are primarily a masculine hobby, while bingo sites and lotteries attract a largely female audience. However, the survey response showed how 38% were female – with 58% of players identifying as males. The 38% is significant as in similar polls, the female audience hovered between the 20 to 25% mark. 

This means that more and more women are getting into online casino games – and that is a good thing because the more diverse the gaming demography is, the more interesting gaming offerings become. So expect more varied and diverse casino games – packing features that are meant to appeal to different gamblers. 

Disclaimer: Play responsibly. Players must be over 18. For help visit 

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