For sports fans, a game can pack plenty of excitement – from a favourite player scoring a 90th-minute goal to lead his team to the finals, and a tennis player winning a set in a spectacular fashion, to a three-pointer in the final seconds of a basketball game and a race building up the pace to a thrilling last lap. 

Not only that – but sport brings people together. Siding with the same team – or a common love for a particular game – brings with it a sense of community. 

In recent years, another level of excitement has been added to sports – in the form of sports booking. 

Sports betting, such as that on, is not just about luck. It’s also about what sport players are interested in. Most betting platforms offer betting on various sports, from football and horse racing to cricket, baseball and basketball. And that is then further classified in national leagues, European action or international games and matches. 

Once players have chosen the sport, country and league, various betting options are available. In a football game, for instance, various betting options are available – from the winner of a game, the score with goals and even the number of corner. The possibilities of a bet are almost endless. 

The choice may be daunting. However, most players choose on the sport they like best – for the simple fact that this makes their favourite sport even more exciting. More than that, with the knowledge they have of a particular sports discipline, they stand a better chance of winning. Of course, nobody can predict the outcome of a game with absolute certainty – but knowing the game, and the current situation of a particular team or league, helps. 

It’s also helpful for those interested in placing bets, to know the history of a team – is a team coming from a string of strong wins? Is a team missing strong players due to injury? With such expertise and knowledge, players increase their chances of winning significantly. 

Live bets have also added a spark to proceedings. While pre-placed bets ensure excitement, live bets online make games even more thrilling. A lot of online casinos allow players to bet until after a game has kicked off – and the odds change according to match proceedings. So, for instance, if a team takes the lead, the odds of their victory drop. And this keeps those who are placing a bet on the edge – should they stick to their bet or risk a change? And that all adds to the beauty of the game. 

Disclaimer: Play responsibly. Players must be over 18. For help visit  

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