A Responsible Gaming Foundation was formally set up today by the government and the Gaming Authority.

Joseph Cuschieri, executive chairman of the Gaming Authority, said the gaming industry contributed 10% to Malta's GDP, but it needed to be kept under control.

Parliamentary Secretary Edward Zammit Lewis said the foundation would work autonomously of the government and promote responsible gaming.

It will receive its funds from the Gaming Authority and other operators, including Maltco,which is required to contribute €50,000 in terms of its licence.

The foundation is drawing up an action plan for various initiatives aimed at different sectors of the population. The foundation would also carry out studies on the impact of gambling on society.

Social Policy Minister Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca underlined the importance of research, saying that gambling addiction was often symptomatic of wider problems.

She said her ministry, working with governemnt organisations and NGOs was drafting a national strategy to discourage addictions in their various forms. 







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