A German national residing in Malta has been arrested for drug trafficking and armed robbery following a European arrest warrant issued by Germany.

The warrant was issued against Michel Thomas - who was living in an apartment in Xemxija with his fiancée - so that he could be extradited and prosecuted in Germany.

He is accused of drug trafficking, selling stolen cars, armed robbery, and swindling.

Presiding over the court, Magistrate Donatella Frendo Dimech said she could not overturn an arrest warrant issued by another state.

A police inspector testified that Thomas was arrested at his residence, where he was shown the warrant written in English and German.

The defence raised no objections to the validity of the arrest.

The magistrate also confirmed that the person before the court was indeed the individual named in the European arrest warrant.

Thomas contested his extradition to Germany.

The prosecution objected to a bail request, citing the seriousness of the offences. The inspector also noted that the accused had an ongoing case before a Maltese court related to wilful damage and disturbing public peace.

The defence argued that the additional charge in Malta was minor and should not justify his continued detention.

The court denied the bail request and adjourned the case to continue on March 17.

Defence lawyers Herman Mula and Silvan Pulis represented the accused.

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