Booking a quick diving trip to Malta, Justyna Michniuk and Atze Vattersen did not expect much of the Mediterranean island they knew nothing about.

Two years later, the two visitors from Hamburg are preparing to launch a blog about daily life in the place they have come to think of as their second home.

“We are not your normal tourists. You won’t find us lying on the beach, enjoying the sun, but walking around, talking to people and exploring less-popular areas,” Ms Michniuk said.

The pair plan to launch the blog, which they have yet to name, in the coming weeks and will make it available in three languages – English, German and Polish – to make it accessible to a wider audience.

Ms Michniuk insisted the website would not contain information one would expect of sites aimed at attracting tourists. Instead, it would be a collection of different aspects that make Malta and the Maltese unique, ranging from a variety of delicacies to quirky stories that make the rounds on different news platforms.

We want to share these stories on our blog because these things would never happen in Germany

“For example, we were in Gozo yesterday and this man was telling us about the Carob tree and the syrup that is made out of it. We knew nothing about such a syrup before coming here,” Ms Michniuk admitted.

The two took home some carob seeds and will try to plant a tree in their garden, a process they also plan to share on the blog. “It might not even grow, but we will try. A few leaves are enough to remind us of Malta and that yummy syrup,” Mr Vattersen added.

Of all the things they have come to love about Malta, the two agree they have grown especially fond of the inhabitants.

Ms Michnuik admitted she enjoyed observing people going about their daily life, even back home, and she hoped to use the site to share little anecdotes about the different people they had met while on the island.

“Be it the time my husband came down with the flu and a neighbour shared some home-made remedies or being spontaneously invited to a party, we want to share these stories on our blog because these things would never happen in Germany,” she said.

The couple has already planned another trip for the coming year but point out that a fixed itinerary is rarely made.

“We love being able to do nothing but walk around. Many think of Malta as a destination you visit once for a week to enjoy the sun and the sea. It’s so much more than that and that is what we hope to highlight through our blog,” Ms Michniuk said.

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