Hundreds of gifts donated by the public and laid under a big Christmas tree in Castille Square are to be distributed to children in need through an initiative of Lydia Abela, the Prime Minister’s wife, and their daughter Giorgia Mae.

The initiative Rigal b’Imħabba encouraged the public to buy an additional gift to donate to those less fortunate.

Beneficiaries include prisoners’ children, children in shelters for domestic violence, children of drug victims, and children in homes.

In a message, Abela said the initiative reflected the unique sense of solidary in Malta. 

Children who were currently in difficult circumstances will still have reason to smile while parents who are not in a position to buy gifts will now still be able to see their children smile.

The initiative, Abela said, also helped create a sense of altruism among children who headed to Valletta to donate their gift to those less fortunate.

She hoped the initiative will become an annual one and appealed to the Maltese to continue showing their sense of solidarity with donations to l-Istrina and the Dar tal-Providenza.

Gifts will start to be distributed on Thursday.

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