A few months ago, the government embark­ed on a much-needed project to provide children and adolescents under 16, living with Type 1 diabetes, a Continuous Glucose Monitoring (CGM) device.

This project was a huge success. In fact, the authorities confirmed that these children and adolescents would continue availing themselves of this important device.

Furthermore, in the last budget, it was announced that, in 2022, the project would be extended to youths aged between 17 and 21.

The Maltese Diabetes Association has always insisted that a CGM is important and necessary for any person living with diabetes and that age should not be the determining factor for eligibility. Many question why such a device is so important and vital for people living with diabetes. The following are a few reasons: As people living with Type 1 diabetes grow older, they start to experience common long-term diabetes-related health problems such as damage to the large blood vessels of the heart, brain and legs and damage to the small blood vessels, causing problems in the eyes, kidneys and feet.

Their stress levels start to increase due to occupational and personal issues, besides the financial challenges they would have to face, particularly at the start of their adult lives or careers.

In a variety of jobs, especially non-white collar occupations, workers are not in a position to test their blood glucose levels using a meter (since one would need to have clean hands, etc.)

The financial implications of paying for a CGM from one’s own pocket is huge and indeed challenging. On average,  it would cost a person a minimum of €150 per month, depending on the CGM device. People who cannot afford such a device are being deprived of this important and innovative equipment to manage and better control their diabetes.

Some people living with Type 1 diabetes are still attending tertiary education or just starting their careers.

Their financial ability to fund a CGM device is limited, if non-existent.

Having an active lifestyle would require them to monitor their blood sugar levels continuously.

A CGM device provides peace of mind when adults with Type 1 diabetes are driving a car, travelling overseas, practising a sport or socialising.

As people living with Type 1 diabetes grow older, they start to experience common long-term diabetes-related health problems- Chris Delicata

Effective diabetes management and control is vital and key to one’s well-being and this can be achieved through a CGM device with 24/7 of continuous monitoring.

Until such time as such CGMs are rolled out to all people living with Type 1 diabetes, they will struggle to finance it from their own pockets, even spending a staggering €3,600 per annum. Meanwhile, others are deprived of this important device simply because they cannot afford it.

While appreciating the financial implications for any government, we appeal for funding of the CGM device to be extended, covering those from the ages of 21 to 40 in 2022 and all people living with Type 1 diabetes in 2023.

By using a CGM, people living with diabetes can drastically reduce the number of blood samples from finger pricks taken on a daily basis.

Better diabetes management will result in fewer complications and hospitalisation costs for the government. The implementation of such a measure should, therefore, be seen as a holistic investment to improve the lives and well-being of such people.

Now that the date of the next general election has been announced, the association makes a heartfelt appeal to both parties to include the implementation of such a measure as one of their topmost electoral commitments.

They should also provide a clear timeframe for implementation, in order to give reassurance and peace of mind to those facing financial difficulties to fund their own CGM.

Parties aspiring to lead the next government should act sooner rather than later on this issue and treat it as an urgent health priority. The sooner such a scheme is rolled out, the better.

People living with diabetes deserve to have this important device. They already face daily challenges to manage and live with their long-term chronic condition. A CGM can only improve their quality of life and well-being.


Chris Delicata, president, Maltese Diabetes Association

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