The government has launched a strategy to facilitate the integration of non-Maltese into Maltese society. 

The Integration Strategy and Action Plan for 2025 to 2030 was unveiled by parliamentary secretary for reforms and equality Rebecca Buttigieg at a press conference on Wednesday morning, following a public consultation exercise held in 2023.

Buttigieg said that while a similar strategy was launched in 2017, the new strategy factored in demographic changes that occurred in Malta since then, with the country welcoming thousands of foreign workers.

Among the 41 measures outlined in the strategy is the restructuring and reform of the national integration strategy known as 'I Belong'.

The programme will be expanded to include measures to begin the integration process before non-Maltese arrive in Malta, while more educational institutions will take part in the programme.

The strategy will also strengthen the mandate of the Human Rights Directorate, raise awareness of the benefits of integration and diversity, and provide reliable, up-to-date information on key aspects of integration.

Implementation of the strategy will be financed by both national and EU funds, and will cost around €6 million.

Buttigieg said the strategy will work in tandem with the labour migration policy that the government launched earlier this month.

"Migrants should not be considered a threat. We want to welcome everyone while preserving Maltese identity," she said, adding that hate speech and xenophobia could not be tolerated.

Integration is a two-way street and an inclusive society could be achieved if everyone pulled on the same rope, she said.

Alex Tortell, head of the HRD's intercultural and anti-racism unit said the fact the country was discussing how non-Maltese should be integrated rather than whether they should be integrated showed an increased maturity in public discourse. 

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