Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras is facing the widest rebellion yet from his leftist lawmakers as Parliament approved a new bailout programme yesterday, forcing him to consider a confidence vote that could pave the way for early elections.

After lawmakers bickered through the night on procedural matters, Tsipras comfortably won the vote on the country’s third financial rescue by foreign creditors in five years thanks to support from pro-euro opposition parties.

That clears the way for eurozone ministers to approve the deal today. But the vote laid bare the depth of anger within Tsipras’s leftist Syriza Party at austerity measures in exchange for €85 billion in aid, as 43 lawmakers – or nearly a third of Syriza deputies – voted against or abstained.

The unexpectedly large contingent of dissenters, including former Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis, heaped new pressure on Tsipras to swiftly clear the rebels from his party and call early elections to lock in popular support.

Vote laid bare depth of anger within Tsipras’s leftist Syriza Party at austerity measures

Tsipras remains hugely popular in Greece for standing up to Germany’s insistence on austerity before capitulating under the threat of a euro zone exit.

He would be expected to win again if snap polls were held now, given an opposition in disarray.

“I do not regret my decision to compromise,” Tsipras said as he defended the bailout from eurozone and International Monetary Fund creditors in Parliament. “We undertook the responsibility to stay alive over choosing suicide.”

But the vote left the government with support from within its own coalition below the threshold of 120 votes in the 300-seat chamber, the minimum needed to command a majority and survive a confidence vote if others abstain.

Greek Parliament Speaker Zoe Constantopoulou looks exhausted during the long parliamentary session in Athens yesterday, as Greek lawmakers debated and eventually approved a Bill on the latest bailout deal.Greek Parliament Speaker Zoe Constantopoulou looks exhausted during the long parliamentary session in Athens yesterday, as Greek lawmakers debated and eventually approved a Bill on the latest bailout deal.

In response, government officials said Tsipras was expected to call a confidence vote in Parliament after Greece makes a debt payment to the European Central Bank on August 20 – a move that could trigger the government’s collapse and snap elections.

A senior lawmaker, Makis Voridis, from the opposition New Democracy party said his party would vote against Tsipras’s coalition, raising the odds it would be toppled.

Still, some of those who rebelled against Tsipras yesterday could still opt to support the government in a confidence vote, as could other pro-European parties like the centrist Potami and the centre-left PASOK, leaving unclear the final outcome.

The vote was only the latest in a series of events highlighting the deepening rift within Syriza, which stormed to power this year on a pledge to end austerity once and for all, before Tsipras accepted a bailout to avoid a banking collapse.

Since then far-left rebels have openly revolted at votes on bailout reforms and the combative parliamentary speaker Zoe Konstantopoulou has regularly delayed proceedings – most recently on Thursday, leaving infuriated lawmakers debating all night on procedures before a vote was held after daybreak. The leader of Syriza’s far-left rebel faction, former energy minister Panagiotis Lafazanis, took a step toward breaking away from the party by calling for a new anti-bailout movement.

Syriza would be weakened by the departure of the faction led by Lafazanis, but political analysts predict Tsipras would still return to power if elections were held in the autumn, though he would have to strike another coalition deal.

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