The Greenpeace flagship Rainbow Warrior will be departing the Vittoriosa waterfront tomorrow morning on a campaign to halt bluefin tuna fishing in the Med.

The bluefin tuna season starts tomorrow and is expected to last until June 15.

Greenpeace campaigner Oliver Knowles told that Greenpeace wanted to avoid the collapse of the bluefin tuna stocks.

Activists, he said, will be carrying out direct peaceful action to halt tuna fishing.

“The Rainbow Warrior is heading out to sea to take action against one of the most irresponsible and destructive fishing operations in the world to demand that the Mediterranean bluefin fishery be closed immediately.

“If we want bluefin tuna and healthy oceans tomorrow we need marine reserves today,” he said.

Some scientistis warn that 80 per cent of commercial fisheries are already exploited and bluefin tuna is on the path to extinction.

When asked if Greenpeace was anti fishing, Mr Knowles said the interests of Greenpeace and fishermen were the same.

“We want sustainable fisheries which will also ensure the livelihood of fishermen.”

Formerly a fishing trawler in Scotland, the current Rainbow Warrior was launched in 1989 after the original vessel was attacked by French commandos in 1985.

This is expected to be the last lag of the ship since it will be shortly replaced by a more modern sailing boat.

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