A group exhibition curated to evoke warmth, joy and nostalgia synonymous with the summer season is opening today at Christine X Art Gallery in Sliema.
Summer Lovin’ brings together a selection of photography, paintings and digital art from upcoming and established artists. From sun-drenched landscapes to intimate portraits, each piece offers a unique perspective on the essence of the season.
Whether through bold brushstrokes, intricate details or striking compositions, each artwork tells a story, inviting viewers to pause, reflect and find moments of resonance within their own experiences of summer.

“We are thrilled to present Summer Lovin’, a vibrant showcase that celebrates the beauty and vitality of summer through the lens of art and photography,” Christine Xuereb Seidu said.
“We hope visitors rediscover the magic of the season and revel in the joy of artistic expression.”
Exhibiting artists are Rupert Cefai, Elena Degenhardt, Jessica Demers, Stefania Farrugia, Susannah Farrugia, Flixkun, Charlene Galea, James Charles Hester, Stephen Micallef, Mariam Mifsud De Giorgio, Lina Rincon, Jacob Sammut, Thomas Scerri, Sarah Scicluna, Naomi Smith, Mantas Stockus, and Olaug Vethal.

Marking the gallery’s 20-year anniversary, Summer Lovin’ is on display at Christine X Art Gallery, located at Tigné Street c/w Hughes Hallet Street in Sliema, from today to July 15 (and online until end of August).
Admission is free and opening hours are Monday to Friday 10am-1pm and 4-7pm, and Saturday from 10am-1pm. For more information, visit christinexart.com or contact the gallery via e-mail at info@christinexart.com.