The family of President Emeritus Prof Guido de Marco this afternoon issued a statement to thank all those who expressed their sadness following his demise

The statement, issued while the state funeral was in progress, read:

"We would like to thank all those, who publicly and privately, shared with us their feelings of loss and sadness following the passing away of our beloved Guido.

"We would also like to thank the members of the Press for the professional, dignified and respectful manner in which they carried out their duty.

"They say that time is the greatest healer. For our family, this outburst of respect and love has helped us through this difficult time. We are united in our loss with our greater family, the people who loved and respected him so dearly.

"The sentiments expressed over the past few days have underlined his unstinting love for this country. So much was written to prove that for him politics was the means to one end: improving the life of people. Many of those who knew him through his legal practice or as a University professor wrote about his love for the Law and how he believed that the rule of Law is what made us free.

"He loved life and therefore wanted every minute of his life to have a purpose. But above all he loved the people.

"Even after his death, we are sure he will remain, as he always wanted to be, close to those he loved, close to all of us."

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