The General Workers’ Union, which turns 66 tomorrow, this evening launched its new corporate identity, the start of a renewal process aimed at helping it get closer to Maltese workers.

The new look includes a logo, a refurbished entrance to its headquarters - the Workers’ Memorial Building in South Street, Valletta – and a revamped website.

General secretary Tony Zarb said being the GWU, the largest union in Malta, had always been credible, competent and consistent and this was the way forward.

Union president Victor Carachi noted that while 66 years ago the union was striving to improve workers’ working conditions, it was now focusing on improving their standard of living and that of their families.

President George Abela who, for some time served as the union’s legal representative, presided over the ceremony and spoke about the need for a national union to renew itself, especially at a time when the world was passing through a recession which saw the loss of five million jobs in EU countries in just 12 months.

The event was also attended by Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi and Opposition Leader Joseph Muscat. Archbishop Emeritus Joseph Mercieca blessed the refurbished entrance.

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