The GWU is seeking recognition at the dockyard and the Manoel Island Yacht Yard, its former strongholds, after the majority of workers there joined the union, General Secretary Tony Zarb announced this evening.

Italian firm Palumbo took over the management of the dockyard in June after the early retirement of the former workforce and the privatisation of the company. The Manoel Island Yacht Yard Consortium took over the yacht yard in July.

Mr Zarb was addressing former members of the union’s metal and construction section who had now reached pensionable age.

He said the union is not expecting an easy 2011, especially for those who are 48 years old and younger who, as from next year, have to start paying higher national insurance contributions and will also be expected to invest in a second pillar pension.

“This is too much for workers to handle,” he said.

Mr Zarb also referred to the €600-a-week raise which ministers and parliamentary secretaries had granted themselves, noting that it would take workers 30 years to collect the same sum with the measly €1.16 weekly cost of living increase they were granted.

“It is obscene and living proof of the government’s insensitivity towards the people’s difficulties. But the time will come when the government will have to face the people,” he said.

He said that 924 new members joined the GWU between September and November, making the union stronger.

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