Health Minister Jo Etienne Abela has expressed his hope to establish a national cell and tissue bank, on the lines of the national blood bank.

Speaking during the second reading of draft legislation on organ donation on Tuesday, the minister sought to address misconceptions surrounding the topic.

He highlighted Malta’s current reliance on imported tissue, including bone, cornea, and amnion tissue and argued that creating local storage facilities for such tissue would enhance Malta’s healthcare system and reduce dependence on imports.

Using bone tissue as an example, Abela explained how tissue removed during surgeries like hip replacements was often discarded. During a hip replacement, part of the femur is removed and replaced with metal. “It’s a waste to throw it away. We want to treat it, store it, and use it to help another patient,” he said.

Abela also proposed the establishment of a Human Leukocyte Antigen (HLA) typing centre. HLA typing is a medical test that identifies genetic variations in a person’s immune system and is crucial for kidney transplant matches. According to the minister, this initiative would contribute to Malta’s self-sufficiency in healthcare.

The minister underscored the significance of Malta’s blood bank and noted that this year alone, there were 60,100 blood donations.

He explained how blood donations allow the extraction of red blood cells, platelets, and plasma, which can treat hundreds of illnesses.

He also noted that individuals who lived in England during the era of Mad Cow disease were still unable to donate blood. “This is because it is almost impossible to determine whether someone has the disease in their system,” he explained.

The purpose of the Bill before the House is to establish a Blood, Tissue and Cells Centre and to grant the health minister to issue regulations to govern such a centre.  


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