Heritage Malta is organising the third talk in a series by former Malta Dockyard workers. The public is invited to be at the Maritime Museum, Vittoriosa, on August 25 at 10am for the discussion.

The talk will deal with a significant project that recorded the memories of more than 130 ex-employees of the Malta Dockyard. This discussion will explore the meticulous process of documenting these memories and compiling them into a publication by Heritage Malta, which offers a unique insight into one of Malta’s most iconic industries through of the memories of the artisans trained in it.

During the past four years, Heritage Malta’s Digitisation Unit has carried out the agency’s biggest intangible heritage project to date, collecting more than 200 hours of personal stories from former workers of the Dockyard.

These memories, which have been carefully documented, provide a vivid portrait of life at the Malta Dockyard. The first 100 recordings have now been presented in a publication entitled The Dockyard from the Workers’ Perspective – 100 Interviews.

A unique insight into one of Malta’s most iconic industries through of the memories of the artisans trained in it

The discussion will highlight the emotional contributions of the participants, who vividly describe their days working amid the sounds of the workshops and deep in the docks. These narratives paint a picture of a united community of trained artisans who faced daily challenges together, bound by a deep sense of brotherhood. Participants will gain knowledge about the process of recording these stories and the significance of preserving such intangible heritage.

The publication was launched during a special event at the Malta Maritime Museum in Vittoriosa, with the interviewees themselves present. This discussion aims to continue to celebrate and share the rich heritage of the Malta Dockyard, inviting attendees to enter the memories of those who lived and worked there.

The public is invited not to miss the opportunity to explore the history of the Dockyard through the voices of those who knew it best.

The discussion will take place at the Maritime Museum of Malta in Vittoriosa. Participation is free of charge but is only open to those who register with tickets, as places are limited. During the event, the book will be sold at a special price.


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