I would like to congratulate the Archaeology Service Cooperative and their team on the good work in connection with historical sites in various parts of Malta. I am very much aware of the neglect some of our monuments are in, as well as our limited budgets to promote appreciation of our natural and historical heritage and to maintain, preserve and manage it.
At San Gwann we have the remains of a Roman tower and a Roman cistern, both of which are in a very neglected state, even though they have been among the first to be scheduled after our insistence.
We have been asking the museums department since 1996 to have permission to clean the former, known as Ta' Cieda. We need to rehabilitate and conserve it as it looks like a rubbish dump. The Fondazzjoni Wirt Artna was ready to help us.
The cistern at Triq il-Baruza is in imminent danger because of speculators and vandals. We have been asking the Planning Authority for some kind of help. But nothing has been forthcoming.
Since the inception of our council we have been planning a Heritage Walk but, because of the bad state of these two sites, the whole thing has been shelved. Who knows, maybe with ASC's help, we could realise our dream.