History will forever remember Robert Abela as the prime minister who introduced abortion in Malta without even having an electoral mandate to do so, Opposition leader Bernard Grech said in parliament on Wednesday. 

He was speaking during the debate in parliament on a bill aimed at freeing doctors and pregnant women from the threat of criminal prosecution if a pregnancy is terminated when the mother's life or health are at serious risk.

"History will remember you as the prime minister who introduced abortion with no mandate. You are leading a heartless government," Grech said.  

"[Andrea] Prudente's life was never in any danger, the state has argued as much in court, so why the rush to introduce abortion?" Grech asked, referring to the case of American tourist Andrea Prudente who in June was denied a request to terminate a non-viable pregnancy. Maltese doctors could not treat her for fear that their intervention could terminate the pregnancy and make them liable to criminal action and imprisonment.  

The Nationalist Party and the pro-life movement, which includes former president Marie Louise Coleiro Preca, 44 organisations and almost 80 academics, have opposed the legal changes proposed by the government. 

On Wednesday, Times of Malta also reported that President George Vella had told close associates that he was prepared to resign if the changes were approved.  

Grech said that the PN was in favour of protecting doctors who carry out medical interventions to save women's lives but it viewed the introduction of abortion "through the back door" as unacceptable. 

It was "shameful," he said, that instead of fighting over who gets to protect life, it was just the Opposition side that was trying to do so. 

"This is a law that opens the door to abortion wide open...this is his (Abela's) Christmas present to the people.

"The prime minister tries to ridicule everyone around him and continues to insist he is not introducing abortion despite academics telling him otherwise," the Opposition leader said. 

Grech also said he could not understand how "fear and anxiety" were being deemed a valid reason to terminate a pregnancy.

He called on Abela to focus on ensuring those who support people with mental health, fertility issues and other problems are offered assistance in order to keep providing help. 

"That is what they need. They don't need abortion. With abortion, the nation will become heartless," he said. 


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