Anthony Bonanno is the lucky recipient of the grand prize of Hospice Malta’s latest fundraising lottery: a brand-new Citroën C3.

The lottery draw, which took place in December, received overwhelming community support, with all proceeds dedicated towards funding Hospice Malta’s mission of providing free holistic palliative care to patients and their families.

Hospice Malta thanked all lottery participants for their support towards this cause.

Alexia Demicoli, chief relation officer at Hospice Malta, also thanked the sponsors.

 “Whilecongratulating the lottery winners, on behalf of Hospice Malta, I would like to extend our deepest gratitude to all our sponsors whose generous support made this fundraising initiative possible. Their contributions are instrumental in helping us continue our mission of providing compassionate care to patients and their families. Thank you for standing with us,” she said.

For more information about Hospice Malta and its ongoing commitment to providing compassionate care to those in need, visit

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