Scoops means "school cooperatives". It is an educational project open to students aged 13 to 15 who are given the chance to combine their studies with on-the-job experience by joining the Scoop of their school. Twenty-seven schools are taking part this year, involving some 800 students in all.

The project aims at enhancing cooperative awareness among students and educators, building students' entrepreneurship skills, as well as enhancing their personal and social skills. They are also trained to make the right choice when considering their career development.

Participating students democratically elect their Scoop management committee, made up of president, secretary, treasurer, assistant managers for production, human resources, sales and marketing, and a member.

With the help of their Scoop teacher-manager they decide what products and/or services they would like to offer. These are sold at their school or to other Scoops and schools.

The students have to keep track of their business activity by keeping accounts and holding regular meetings, and they round off the business with a general meeting at the end of the year.

Apart from taking part in events such as the Vetrina Scoops and the Scoops Fair, they also visit local cooperatives.

Each Scoop gives five per cent of its net profits to the Kumitat Nazzjonali Scoop, in order to part-finance some Scoop events.

The project is owned by the Coops Board (Malta) and operated exclusively by Outlook Coop. It has the full support of the social policy and education ministries.

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