Many might be looking forward to the reopening of some non-essential shops on Monday.
But to visit, and also to use public transport, one must now wear a mask.
Guidance on the use of face masks has been published by the health authorities.
In a document on their proper use (published in full in the pdf link below), the authorities said the proper use of any mask, including home-made ones, was imperative.
Failing to put on or remove a mask safely may lead to an increased probability of getting infected with COVID-19.
So regardless of how well they work, the success of cloth or surgical masks at protecting others depends on whether people in the community wear them properly, keep them in place, and make sure the mask doesn’t get too wet.
Non-medical face masks prevent viral particles from potentially being spread by the mask wearer. They do not protect the mask wearer from being infected if someone who is positive for COVID-19 transmits respiratory droplets onto the person wearing the mask.
Studies indicate that accumulated moisture, such as from breathing, can trap the virus in a mask and make it a strong source of contamination when the wearer takes it off. This is why it is very important that masks are removed for disposal or storage until washing/sterilisation for re-use.
Used masks must not be stored in pockets or left lying about on surfaces. Wearing a face mask may create a false sense of security and may result in the neglect of other essential measures, such as hand hygiene practices and physical distancing.
The appropriate use of face masks is essential for their effectiveness and safety and smoking should be avoided, especially when wearing a mask.
Make your own
If you intend to make your own masks, here are some directions to follow:

Attached files