Jurors this afternoon freed Carmelo Sultana, 21 of Attard after finding him not guilty of the attempted murder of Constantine Borg in April 2006 in Bahar Ic-Caghaq.

The verdict was returned after a three-day trial.

Mr Justice Joseph Galea Debono, presiding over the trial, heard on Monday how a fight broke out between Carmelo Sultana and Constantine Borg

Mr Sultana pleaded not guilty to the attempted murder of Mr Borg after allegedly stabbing him on the head, back and wrist.

Both men have claimed they were attacked first and acted in self-defence, giving very different versions of what happened.

Mr Borg said he went to a cornfield looking for quail in the early morning when, all of the sudden, he heard gunshots. He saw the accused and told him to move on as he was hunting there. Mr Sultana allegedly swore at him and insulted his mother.

Mr Borg said he returned the insults and saw Mr Sultana walk out of the field, approach his car and return holding a knife. The accused then allegedly proceeded to attack him. Mr Sultana recounted in court that he was in the field when he heard someone swear out loud and continued on his way when the voice got closer.

He insisted he was the victim of a relentless attack, accusing Mr Borg of hitting him repeatedly with his gun. At one point, the accused said, he brandished a knife and hit Mr Borg.

Senior Counsel to the Republic Aaron Bugeja is prosecuting.

Lawyers Emmanuel Mallia and Arthur Azzopardi appeared for Mr Sultana.

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