Q: We paid a €400 deposit to rent a farmhouse in the last week of June. Unfortunately, for personal reasons, we had to change our plans and will not be staying at the farmhouse. When we informed the owner and asked for a refund of the deposit, our request was denied. Is the owner entitled to keep the deposit?

A: In this situation, your legal rights depend on how the farmhouse was booked. If it was booked with a free-cancellation policy, then as long as you cancel within the stipulated date, you should be allowed to cancel the booking and claim back any payments made.

On the other hand, if your booking was non-refundable, then the farmhouse owner can enforce the agreed conditions of sale and refuse to refund the deposit.

Thus, in view of the above, you are advised to check the terms and conditions of your booking, and if the farmhouse owner is breaching any conditions you originally agreed to, you may then file a complaint with the Office for Consumer Affairs for assistance to recover the deposit paid.

Want to submit your own query? Write to the MCCAA.

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