The iconic musical Cabaret is set to take the stage at the Manoel Theatre in May, featuring an acclaimed cast of performers backed by a live 16-piece orchestra.

Originally written in the 1960s, Cabaret explores life in pre-war Berlin set against the decline of the ‘Jazz Age’ and the rise of the Nazi party to power.

The story focuses on the hedonistic nightlife at the seedy Kit Kat Club, where Sally Bowles is a resident performer. Juxtaposing the horror of pre-war Berlin with the glamourous world of live cabaret, the musical offers an escape for both the characters on the stage and audience members alike.

Overseeing the action is the Kit Kat Club Emcee, and the club itself serves as a metaphor for ominous political developments in late Weimar Germany.

The local production will star Sean Borg as the Emcee and Maxine Aquilina as Sally Bowles, two roles most notably performed by Joel Grey and Hollywood legend Liza Minelli in the 1972 film adaptation of the musical.

Other notable cast members include Isabel Warrington as Fraulein Schneider, Stephen Oliver as Herr Schultz and Jason Scerri as Clifford Bradshaw, alongside an ensemble of 11 chorus members and supported by a 16-piece orchestra. The performance is directed by Lucienne Camilleri and music director is Ryan Paul Abela. The glamorous costumes are designed by Stefania Grech Vella, and the set is by Adrian Mamo. 

On the political nature of the musical Cabaret, the theatre’s artistic director Adrian Mamo said that he strongly believes in the importance of producing such stories, explaining that “it is important that we present these works, where we can see the world from very different eyes. It heightens our understanding of the world, of people who are oppressed, and societies which have suffered, and the ways that they cope”.

Abela added that the aim of the production is to capture the decadence and political turmoil of the time through the powerful combination of music, dance and storytelling.

Cabaret runs from May 10 to 19. Admission is 12+. For more information and tickets, visit or call the box office at (+356) 21246389.

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