The LGBTI population finds itself confronting an internal crisis. For decades, rigorous scientific research has insisted that homosexuality is deeply rooted in biology. Yet, ‘Queer theory’ and Gender Ideology, championed by NGOs that ostensibly advocate for gay rights, imply that sexuality, sex and gender are social constructs. Such deeply destabilising ideas must be challenged.

Let’s begin by anchoring ourselves in what is empirically verifiable. Homosexuality is not some superficial lifestyle choice or social construct; it’s deeply biological. If you examine Bruce Bagemihl’s exhaustive study, ‘Biological Exuberance’, you’ll find evidence for homosexual behaviour in 450 animal species. These creatures are not mired in social constructs. They exist in nature, as does homosexuality.

Ray Blanchard’s ‘Fraternal birth order effect’ study and D.H. Hamer’s genetic research both add evidence supporting the biological basis of homosexuality. Blanchard shows increased odds of younger brothers being gay while Hamer identifies a genetic pattern related to same-sex orientation from the maternal side.

These two scientists, and countless others, contribute to a growing body of research suggesting that homosexuality has biological underpinnings.

Physiological differences exist too. A study in 2008 by Ivanka Savic and Per Lindstrom at the Karolinska Institute found that certain brain features in gay people more closely resembled those of straight people of the opposite sex. More comprehensive research carried out in 2018 in a study titled ‘Cerebral sex dimorphism and sexual orientation’ has confirmed these findings.

This isn’t merely an academic exercise. It’s the foundation upon which we’ve rightfully condemned gay conversion therapy as both ineffective and immoral.

Knowing that one’s sexual orientation is not a “choice” serves as an essential stepping stone towards self-love. Understanding that being gay is a part of one’s biological make-up is not merely reassuring, it’s lifesaving.

Yet, Queer Theory and Gender Ideology threaten to topple this hard-won edifice. By espousing a fluid understanding of sexual orientation, sex and gender, they erode the intellectual foundation upon which LGBTI rights have been constructed.

Its proponents often advocate for a spectrum-based understanding of sexuality. A perilous implication lurks here: if everyone is on a spectrum, being gay would transform into a ‘choice,’ where people choose which part of their sexuality they wish to satisfy.

But the implications of Queer Theory go further. Proponents of this far leftist viewpoint  think there is a range of genders. What’s more, some people actually believe they can be a man one moment and a woman seconds later. This is ludicrous on the face of it.

It is true that there are men and women who are more or less masculine or feminine than their peers. But just because a woman has taken up boxing or a man has decided to become a ballet dancer, it doesn’t mean they have swapped genders, nor are they evidence of a whole new gender.

Brains don’t change from one moment to the next.

We also only have two genders, because we only have two sexes, because we only need two people to make a baby.

Homosexuality is not some superficial lifestyle choice or social construct; it’s deeply biological- Edward Caruana Galizia

But there is more to the story. ‘Queer’, an offensive and unkind word, has become an umbrella so expansive that anyone, including heterosexual individuals, can take refuge under it.

And herein lies the glaring problem: if anyone can ‘identify’ as queer, then any research today that includes this cohort is destined not just for inaccuracy but for abject intellectual failure with dire real-world consequences.

In a bid for ideological triumph, leftists and LGBTI organisations cherry- pick and distort results to fit their postmodernist world view.

Andrea Ganna’s research, often misquoted as confuting a ‘gay gene’, has been jubilantly misused by activists to advocate for fluid sexualities. But, far from refuting the biological underpinnings of homosexuality, Ganna’s research simply highlights the genetic complexity of sexuality.

This is an intellectual travesty. Worse, such misrepresentations have unwittingly provided cover for repressive regimes like Uganda, which recently instituted the death penalty for homosexuality, citing such distorted claims as the reason.

Western LGBTI NGOs, while claiming victory for a postmodernist agenda, are in fact facilitating a disastrous situation that endangers gay lives globally. All this, absurdly, in the name of ‘inclusivity’.

This must stop. The urgency for the gay population to reclaim its narrative is dire. This is about preserving the hard-fought progress in gay rights from being undone by an insidious intellectual fad. The biological underpinning of homosexuality serves as a bulwark against bigotry, hate and murder.

In a climate obsessed with nuance, let’s not forget that nuance can easily devolve into obfuscation. The discourse surrounding LGBTI rights, rooted in rigorous scientific studies, must not be sullied by theories that threaten both societal progression and individual lives. The struggle for gay rights was never a battle for love; it was, and remains, a battle for truth and objective fact.

The addition of ‘queer’ as a category in scientific research on sexual orientation is not an act of inclusion but an act of sabotage. It devalues the extensive scientific groundwork that has been laid to understand homosexuality as a legitimate, biologically based orientation.

The LGBTI population cannot afford to let Queer Theory subvert the truth we have fought so hard to establish.

Edward Caruana GaliziaEdward Caruana Galizia

At a time when objectivity and fact are increasingly under siege, the LGBTI population must stand its ground for to yield is to surrender not just hard-won rights but also lives.

And that is a price too great to pay.

Edward Caruana Galizia is an actor and has a master’s degree in culture, diaspora and ethnicity from Birkbeck University of London.

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