Following the annual general meeting and first committee meeting of the Institute of Financial Services Malta, the new committee was elected and Kenneth B. Micallef was reconfirmed as president for the sixth consecutive year. The committee also welcomed a new female member, Lisa Vella.

Due to the COVID-19 situation, all meetings are being held by Zoom video conference as the institute continues to adapt to the ‘new normal’.

The IFS Malta committee for 2020-2021 is  as follows: president: Kenneth B. Micallef; vice presidents: Peter Calleya and Mark Agius; honorary secretary: Joseph Bugelli; honorary trea­surer: Christian Farrugia; members: Joseph Agius; Jean Paul Attard; Karl Dingli; Paul Farrugia; Kenneth Genovese; Adrian Mallia; Bonamy Mercieca; Lisa Vella; and Wendy Zammit.

IFS Malta has successfully adopted a new way of reaching out to its students through innovative training delivery methods

Micallef said: “I thank everyone for re-electing me to serve as presi­dent of this prestigious institute for another year. I also thank Joseph Ricca, one of the longest-serving committee members, who has decided not seek re-election and will now be supporting the institute as head of school.

“In the current environment, IFS Malta has successfully adopted a new way of reaching out to its students through innovative training delivery methods and will continue to promote and foster  financial services education and professional development.”

IFS Malta is Malta’s leading financial services education provider with a professional heritage of close to 60 years. The institute offers an array of educational programmes ranging from short technical qualifications to academic qualifications up to master’s level degrees.

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