The Iklin local council has restored almost 1,200 square metres of rubble walls in the locality after being awarded European funds for the project.

A total of €177,000 in European funds was invested in the restoration of dry rubble walls in rural areas around the locality.

The rubble walls, which are situated in Sqaq in-Namur, Richard Taylor Street, Sqaq Garda and part of Ħal Għargħur Street were reconstructed according to traditional methods so that they can continue fulfilling their practical functions while improving the aesthetics of the areas.

“The locality of Iklin has a considerable rural area, which offers a natural lung to the adjacent built-up zones. It is for this reason that the council feels the responsibility to protect and maintain this rural heritage, as it also provides our locality with its identity,” said Executive Secretary Etienne Montfort in a statement.

The dry rubble walls rebuilt in Sqaq in-Namur. Photo: Iklin local councilThe dry rubble walls rebuilt in Sqaq in-Namur. Photo: Iklin local council

The project was co-financed by the EU under the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development as part of the Rural Development Programme for Malta 2014-2020.

The project underlined the importance of the practical function of the rubble walls since they are crucial to reducing soil erosion, as well as contributing directly to biodiversity growth, as they are the natural habitat of several species of flora and fauna.

The project also provides for a maintenance agreement of five years.

Looking ahead, the council is also planning on investing in an electric public transport vehicle to provide transportation to the elderly of the locality as necessary.

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