Italian restorer Michela Fasce is back in Gozo to undertake another project of restoring an anonymous 19th century oil painting featuring the Holy Family and other saints at Il-Ħaġar museum, Victoria. The restoration work has been commissioned by the Gozo Ministry.

Preparatory studies of the canvas revealed that the painting was suffering from problems of mould, cracking and discolouration.

Fasce’s immediate actions have been to eliminate the dirt, the oxidised varnish and the retouches.

After relining the painting, the restorer is now filling in the gaps to create continuity of the original painting. The final step will be the application of a new UV-filtered varnish to safeguard the painting.

Anyone who would like to see Fasce at work preserving this artwork may visit Il-Ħaġar museum (level two), St George’s Square, Victoria.

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