In the contemporary world, digital photography is being exploited as an accessory on social media platforms. 

One is constantly bombarded by ‘instant’ images that can be easily discarded after their use to lure ‘likes’ and social approval. 

On the other hand,  Alan Falzon’s Fotographija exhibition of hand-printed works is a demonstration of fine art photography. 

According to fellow photographer Kevin Casha, Falzon’s pieces are reminiscent of the work of great photographer artists like André Kertész and Lee Friedlander. 

Falzon sums up the exhibition and his darkroom philosophy in these words: “I strive to create a unique work of art, my main interest is in the process. I do not create the final ‘perfect’ print while imperfections such as dust spots and small scratches are not retouched”.

Fotographija  is on at The Splendid, Strait Street, Valletta, until January 31.  Entrance is free.  The public is also invited to participate in analogue photography workshops that investigate the possibilities of the medium.  Booking is recommended.  For more information, visit

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