Elderly people who live in long-term care facilities, including St Vincent de Paul residence, will soon be able to see their relatives twice a week as the government continues to lift COVID measures. 

From Saturday, residents will be allowed two 25-minute visits every week, however, only two members from the same household will be allowed during each visit. They were currently allowed one visit every week.

Additionally, visitors can set an appointment for an extra 15-minute visit on May 8 or 9, to celebrate Mother's Day with their elderly family members.

Those who suffer from dementia will be able to meet their relatives every day for 15 minutes. Each time, up to two family members from the same household will be allowed in.

The measures are being relaxed two weeks after the perspex barriers, set up at homes for the elderly as part of the COVID mitigation measures, started coming down

This first lifting of the measures was allowed in homes where 90 per cent of residents had received their second dose of the vaccine.

This will also apply to the second lifting of measures.

As measures continue being lifted, visitors must still wear a mask and maintain a two-metre distance from the resident throughout the visits.

In a statement, the Ministry for Senior Citizens said the measures were being lifted following consultation between the Social Care Standard Authority and the Public Health Department.

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