Inspire Foundation, the NGO dedicated to supporting individuals with disabilities, is commemorating a significant milestone: the 10th anniversary of its acclaimed STAR Programme.
Over the past decade, the programme has played a pivotal role in empowering and improving the lives of adults with disabilities through its comprehensive range of interventions and personalised support.
The STAR, which stands for the specialised therapy and re/habilitation programme at Inspire, is designed to cater specifically for a group of young men and women with profound multiple learning disabilities. These individuals require tailored interventions that address their unique needs, and Inspire’s professional multidisciplinary team works diligently to establish and pursue objectives that foster growth, independence and fulfilment.
The programme operates for 30 hours per week, delivered by dedicated care workers across 45 weeks in a year. Traditional and complementary therapeutic interventions are conducted jointly with tutors, including the use of specialised areas such as multisensory rooms, hippotherapy involving horse instructors and hydrotherapy with the latest addition of a hydrobath.
Participants experience a multitude of benefits, such as enhanced self-awareness and self-esteem, enabling them to build more meaningful relationships and better interact with others.
The programme emphasises the importance of healthy living, and participants undergo comprehensive mobility training to promote independence and physical well-being. Additionally, improved motor skills and orientation, along with heightened sensory skills and levels of arousal, further enhance their quality of life.
The programme also provides ample opportunities for enjoyment, relaxation and self-expression, fostering a sense of joy and fulfilment in their lives.
Roswita Vella, manager of the STAR programme, said: “Our aim at STAR is to help clients reach their full potential and fulfil their objectives. What brings me joy is their innocence and the sense of being a part of one big family. Looking ahead, we envision STAR further developing its focus on providing the therapy that clients need to achieve even greater goals.
“At Inspire we want to empower our clients to be independent and take care of themselves. In the years to come, we anticipate the STAR programme offering more amenities and the ability to transport clients anywhere they desire, enabling them to experience outings just like anyone else.”
The STAR Programme is specifically tailored for individuals aged 22 years and older, who face profound and complex neurological, motor and sensory difficulties. Inspire Foundation remains committed to serving this community but this is only made possible by the gratuitous donations provided by altruistic individuals, organisations and businesses.
For more information about the STAR Programme and Inspire Foundation, including how one can aid in supporting the continuation of this programme, visit or contact Charlene Borg at 2092 8100 or