An insurance company is encouraging its customers to use dash cams, saying that they can help determine blame in the event of a crash.
GasanMamo has teamed up with computer store Scan to make dash cams more accessible to motorists by offering them at a reduced price.
It will also reward those drivers who provide video footage that contributes to resolving the issue of fault in a claim following a crash. They will be given a discount on the policy excess or the next insurance premium.
According to a report published recently in the UK the sales of dash cams increased by 671 per cent in just two years (2014 to 2016), making dash cams one of the fastest growing areas of consumer electronics.
Nowadays, video footage taken from dash cams posted on social sites like Facebook manages to attract a lot of attention and in certain cases, even locally, has even led to the prosecution of dangerous drivers by the police.
Insurance companies, including GasanMamo, have also started to recognise the benefits of having video footage available to determine fault more quickly and to combat fraudulent claims such as those known as ‘crash for cash’ accidents.