INTERACT is part of the Community Initiative INTERREG. The programme seeks to build on the experience and lessons of INTERREG I and INTERREG II to increase the effectiveness of INTERREG III during the current programming period.

The INTERACT Programme was approved by the European Commission on December 16, 2002 and is financed by the European Regional Development Fund. The official Programme Documents have been revised to encompass EU Accession and are available for downloading.

INTERACT has a wide geographic scope covering the 25 EU member states and neighbouring countries.

The core of the INTERACT Programme is to set up information and communication networks, to define information frameworks and flows, to proactively disseminate information and to stimulate exchange of experiences.

This Call for Proposals concerns Priority 2 and Priority 3 Measure 2 of the Programme: Priority 2 is aimed at developing local and regional initiatives that will contribute to the development of the institutions involved in the INTERREG programme.

Priority 3 Measure 2 is aimed at developing projects that will contribute to the development of joint cooperation tools and mechanisms at the external border.

Further information may be accessed at

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