AsinMalta’s next online lecture will discuss ‘Dante’s Divine Comedy: Otherworld Images from his Poem’ on March 3.

Often considered a daunting read, the Divine Comedy can also, and more approachably, be studied through its illustrations. Dante’s visions of hell, purgatory and heaven have provided a rich seam of inspiration for over 700 years.

During the talk, guest lecturer Patsy Erskine-Hill will look at a selection of the many artists who have attempted to portray the other world.

Sandro Botticelli, Gustave Doré and William Blake attempted all three realms, but many others have dipped in and out of the story, each imprinting their own century and beliefs on the finished art.

Guest lecturer Patsy Erskine-HillGuest lecturer Patsy Erskine-Hill

Brought up in Italy, France and Switzerland, Erskine-Hill holds a degree in Italian from Trinity College, Dublin, and a master’s degree in Imperial Russian history from Edinburgh University. She ran her own business for many years, finishing with a five-year contract teaching at a US university.

Now back in the UK, she lectures widely to history societies, university groups, special interest associations and on cruises. Her interests are the society, art and architecture of Imperial Russia, Italian history, art and culture of 18th-century England.

The lecture will be held via Zoom on March 3 at 6.30pm. For more information and registration, contact Nicole Stilon at

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