After centuries of dedicated work in building and construction which has shaped the built landscape we see and experience around us, licensed masons (bennejja liċenzjati) have finally come together to form an association that aims to consolidate and improve the profession. With the recent drafting of transformative government laws aimed at redefining the nature and skill set of licensed masons, the need for an organised association has become all the more important in order to navigate such transformation.
Licensed masons have been a pillar of the construction industry, entrusted by the government with licences that encompass a broad spectrum of building tasks ‒ from site investigations, demolition, excavation and construction, all the way through to ensuring natural ventilation within the building, rainwater collection, drainage laying and tiling.
Our industry has witnessed substantial transformation, evolving from a time when two-storey limestone masonry structures were the norm, to today’s current landscape which is dominated by more complex, multi-storey concrete and steel structures being inserted into our already inhabited neighbourhoods. This evolution has not only reshaped the physical environment but also necessitated a re-evaluation of the role, skill set and educational journey for licensed masons.
With an ever-changing construction industry which sees new building techniques, materials, legislation and technology on the regular, there is need for the licensing and body of knowledge which deals with such industry to also evolve and run in parallel with the times.
Traditionally rooted in the apprentice-master model, education for licensed masons has now diversified. However, with industry complexity outpacing educational changes, a disparity has emerged whereby this gap prompts us to question the relevance of current educational paradigms in the modern construction context.
The bennej or mason’s licence is one of the oldest certifications of trade, with a history stretching back over a century. One of the main aims of the Assoċjazzjoni Bennejja u Kuntratturi (ABK) is to ensure that such licence is not diminished or regressed in any way and to preserve the body of knowledge and skill which surrounds such a licence.
With an ever-changing construction industry… there is need for the licensing and body of knowledge which deals with such industry to also evolve and run in parallel with the times
In order to navigate these changes, the ABK has come up with several proposals to date which have been presented to various authorities outlining how current systems can be brought forward.
One such topic of discussion which is continuously being explored and discussed with various industry stakeholders is the concept of categorisation and tiered licensing structures which could redefine industry dynamics through better transparency and skill-based expertise. The skills required to construct reinforced concrete frame structures are different to those which are required for load-bearing masonry or steel structures ‒and licensing should reflect this.
As the path to the future is considered, the industry is inevitably confronted with concerns surrounding liability, insurance and the evolving licensing landscape. The prospect of relocating licences from the police codes to the BCA act and the introduction of specific contractor licences sparks inquiries into potential consequences. Additionally, the necessity for a skilled, balanced and practical workforce capable of supervising the myriad building sites cannot be understated.
![Members attending the signing of the association’s statute last November at the Siġġiewi local council hall. Members attending the signing of the association’s statute last November at the Siġġiewi local council hall.](
Building upon the spirit and tradition of the bennej liċenzjat − the individual who was tasked with encompassing the full spectrum of works on site − the association aims at representing all licensees carrying out works and therefore, as a result of the new contractor’s law, the association has formed itself as an association for masons and contractors alike.
In conclusion, the Assocjazzoni Bennejja u Kuntratturi seeks to embark on a journey that honours history while embracing the transformational potential of the future. The ongoing evolution of construction calls for adaptable licensing and educational frameworks. By fostering collaboration between licensed masons, contractors and periti, addressing concerns, and embracing novel educational paradigms, our aim is to establish an industry that thrives in the face of change.
The committee members, who bring experience from different corners of the industry, formed the ABK in November of 2023 together with a healthy show of support from throughout the industry, including over 240 members to date.
The aim of the ABK is to gather as many practitioners as possible so as to enrich the association’s cause, strengthen its voice and represent as much of the industry as possible in order to promote its betterment.
All those interested in becoming a member are invited to join by contacting the association on
Prospective members will also be able to enrol at the official launch of the association, which is being planned for the coming months. Information as regards dates and venues will be given in due course.
This article is co-authored by the ABK board of administrators: Michael Cutajar, Pierre Bianchi, John Manduca and Karl Vella.