Picking O-Level or A-Level subjects can be exciting, but also daunting. Children, with support from parents, are faced with important choices that will open up some career paths while closing others, and it’s not easy to know which choices will give your child the greatest happiness and access to future opportunities. 

The Malta Institute of Accountants (MIA) is reaching out to students and parents through a series of informative sessions designed to help them understand what a career in accounting is really like, and whether it’s right for them.

These #AccountsForYou sessions are being organised in collaboration with the Ministry of Education, along with local schools which will be getting in touch with students and parents to register. Throughout November and December, these sessions will be delivered by a number of professional accountants, giving young students a true insight into the field. The 45-minute sessions will be held over Zoom making it easy for your child to join from anywhere.

As with so many other professions, accounting is often little-understood, or even misunderstood. These days a career in accounting can lead to almost any industry, and opportunities all around the world. Thanks to Malta’s increasingly international identity and access to a global market, unprecedented possibilities have opened up for professionals with the right skills - and accountancy is a skill that travels well. 

Some other advantages of a career in accounts include the fact that accounts is in high demand, considered relatively future proof, and provides skills that are essential to innovators and entrepreneurs. While some career choices can be quite limiting in terms of the variety of paths that they open up, accounting is quite the opposite. A career in accounts provides a base set of skills that are highly transferrable, and as a result of the high demand, offers financial stability.

Accounts opens doors to opportunities far and wide - and it could be the right choice for your child. Make the right choice with the right information.

Register to participate in the MIA’s informative sessions today at whychooseaccounts.org.

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