An 18-year-old Sardinian girl is receiving treatment at Mater Dei hospital after falling from the fourth floor of a Paceville hotel last week.

Claudia Chessa from the town of Arzachena in northern Sardinia suffered grievous injuries after falling from the balcony of the St Julian’s hotel she was staying at on Wednesday night.

She suffered back injuries and is awaiting surgery, but her life is not considered to be in danger. It is believed an awning underneath her balcony cushioned her fall.

Chessa lost consciousness and hotel staff called the authorities for help after realising what happened. 

Chessa was on holiday with her 27-year-old boyfriend, also from Arzachena, with initial findings indicating the two had an argument shortly before the fall.

The case is being treated as a domestic violence case, though investigators have not ruled out the possibility of the fall being due to another reason.

The victim’s boyfriend was arraigned on Friday and has since left Malta, according to Italian media reports.

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