Gozo College Rabat Primary School, better known as The Happy School, hosted Italian teachers from La Scuola Istituto Comprensivo ‘Solari’ Loreto. The visit was part of an educational collaboration aimed at fostering cultural and professional ties between the two institutions.
During their five-day stay, the teachers actively engaged with the school community through various activities. They took part in the morning assembly, visited several classes, observing and participating in the teaching and learning processes. This job-shadowing experience allowed them to gain insights into the Maltese education system and share best practices with their Maltese counterparts.
One of the highlights of their visit was attending the Kindergarten 2 ‘graduation ceremony’, during which they witnessed the celebration of the young students’ achievements. This event showcased the vibrant and supportive environment at Rabat primary, leaving a lasting impression on the guests.
In addition to their professional engagements, the educators also had the opportunity to explore the beautiful islands of Gozo and Comino. They toured historical sites, enjoyed the scenic landscapes and experienced the rich cultural heritage of the islands.