Twelve years after being rushed to ITU in critical condition after contracting a brain infection, Jacob Cachia is determined to continue spreading a message of positivity.
Jacob, who is now 27 years old, is still partially paralysed on his left side but remains the eternal optimist: “You can’t just see the negative. If you positively look at things you can do more things in life”.
In January 2013, 15-year-old Jacob was preparing for his O-levels when he began experiencing intense headaches. Within days, the pain had worsened significantly, prompting a visit to the hospital. There, he was diagnosed with sinusitis and admitted to the ENT ward.
On the fifth day, Jacob suffered a seizure. An MRI revealed bacteria had entered his brain through the sinuses. He had to undergo several operations which included removing part of the skull. A titanium plate was inserted to replace the missing part of his skull, and he spent five months in hospital.
Following extensive rehabilitation, Jacob, with the support of his family, slowly moved on with his life though the infection left him hemiplegic.
He is still impacted by limited mobility because of the trauma but found “coping mechanisms” on how to live life.
“For example, when I want to open a bottle of water, I stick it between my legs and open with my right able hand. Or if I want to open a sachet of sugar, I use one finger to hold it and the other to tear it.
Unfortunately, I have lost use of my left hand but not my arm.”
But this did not impact his determination to thank everyone for his survival.
“My family was very grateful that I survived, so we wanted to give back,” says Jacob.
And give back they did – and are still doing, 12 years on.
His family founded NGO Survivors Malta in 2013.
His mother Sarah said nothing seemed enough to repay the family’s good fortune.
“So, we decided that we would make it our mission to pay it forward by creating projects and initiatives aimed at boosting the morale of families facing trauma,” she said.
The publication of the book Jacob – My Titanium Man injected money into the NGO and the royalties kick-started the dream of opening a coffee shop in Marsascala.
The coffee shop, Jacob’s Brew Café, serves to feed funds from the profits into Survivors Malta. The funds are then used for a range of projects that, so far, included Jacob’s Coffee Run – that delivered free sandwiches and coffee to people waiting at Mater Dei Hospital’s ITU waiting area, NPICU (paediatric intensive care) and oncology outpatients.
The family also collaborated with another NGO, JCI Malta, to build the Reunited Pet Cabin – a building within the grounds of the hospital designated for pet therapy and pet visitation.
They funded and completed the refurbishment of two terraces at the oncology hospital.

Jacob, who has been living independently since 2020, believes in the power of personal development – something that inspired their most recent project – the Pay It Forward Coffee Van.
They use the van to visit schools and companies to deliver motivational speeches – and coffee.
Sarah adds: “We are always on the lookout for new projects to fund and support other NGOs in reaching their goals. Of course, we could not do what we do if it weren’t for the help of the people behind us. A community that believes in us in all that we do. Even by simply buying a coffee, it helps us to help others in need of support.”
How do they find the energy and drive to keep up with their projects?
Jacob believes in not overthinking things.
“Firstly, I would think how to do it and, secondly, I don’t worry much about making it happen. I know a lot of people will back me in it and I go for it. I am so grateful for all the kind-hearted people that believe in me and support me in all I do,” he said.
Jacob can be contacted for motivational speeches – “with or without the coffee van” – through his social media pages.