The January (no. 1024) edition of the journal Il-Ħajja f’Għawdex has recently been published.

The front cover of the January edition.The front cover of the January edition.

In a reminiscence of the first papal visit to Malta in 1990, we read that it came about at a time when the President and Archbishop of Malta, the Bishop of Gozo and the Police Commissioner all happened to be Gozitan. Who knows, could this have exercised some influence on the Pope making the first stop of his visit at Ta’ Pinu sanctuary?

Elsewhere, one can read about some of the 158 Gozitan casualties of World War II, and a dramatic account of the shipwreck of the ferry Il-Banċinu in 1957.

As usual, one can also find spiritual reflections, book reviews, obituaries, sacred art, poetry, local football and an article on the growing popularity of competi­tive cycling.

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